Here is what is on my mind: I honked at someone in our apartment complex parking lot on Tuesday night and I honestly still feel really bad about it. The car came out of nowhere and cut me off but I didnt really need to honk my horn as loud or obnoxiously as I did. I found out later it was an uber eats driver delivering food. But that doesn't allow him to drive ridiculously, right? The entire situation on Tuesday was a hot mess and management wasnt doing anything to help the situation.
Here's the drama no one asked for. Basically, my apartment complex was luring people into their safety apartment complex meeting on a Tuesday night by providing free tacos. So the taco truck was like 3 hours early to the meeting to prep I guess. Do you know how apartment complexes have that little lock box that you pull into to scan your key or press a code to open the gate? Well, the taco truck was blocking that so no one could get in.
So the manager of the apartment complex was just talking to cars saying “sorry! We asked him to move. I don't know why he isn't moving yet”. There were 2 cars behind the taco truck. You know how when you pull into an apartment complex and there is enough room for cars to just go through the gate if they have an automatic button so they don't have to pull through to the lockbox? Well, I believe most/all apartment complexes have that fabulous feature.
So when there's a taco truck and 2 other cars stuck in this traffic jam, cars will start to crowd around the gate to wait for it to open, since there are people in line to use the lock box to open it, right? Wrong. Because the taco truck won't move and doesn't have access to the codes. So in our tiny little entrance, there were like 6 cars before me and 4 cars behind me backing up into the street. Everyone is getting aggravated but no one is doing anything to fix the issue.
So I hop out of my car and run towards the lockbox, use my key and open the gate so that people can get through it. People acted as if they have never seen anyone do that before. LIke, use your brains people. I shouldn't have to hop out of my car while it is running on the street to open a gate that 6 other people are just staring at just waiting for the magic gate to open itself. *enter the largest eye roll ever*
So I unlock the gate, cars start going in, traffic jam is over, right? Well, I hop into my car and start to pull forward. I quickly get in my car to help with the movement of cars and get out of the street. I pull up rather quickly if I'm being honest but not super quickly that I'm a danger to others in any way, shape, or form. But then all of a sudden, a green car that wasnt part of this traffic jambalaya and it CUT ME OFF! It almost hit me so I honked. I had my whole life flash before my eyes.
Like sir, I am the brains of this whole operation. You couldn't get through the gate if it wasnt for me getting out and unlocking it. I didnt have to do that at all. We would all still be out there waiting if I hadn't stepped up and helped out. Why would you cut me off? I AM A PRINCESS YOU JERK!

So I honked because I have PTSD about my previous accident and he drove to my building and I was like “Nopppppe. Not going to go inside my house yet. I'll wait to see what happens” So I waited like 3 minutes and then I finally went up to my apartment where HE WAS STANDING like he knew I lived there. So I just went to another apartment door on another floor and waited until I saw him get back into his car and leave.
He was just an uber eats guy who was standing at my apartment door waiting for me to get off the stairs so he could get down to his car. But still. Don't cut me off.
Moral of the story: DONT CUT ME OFF.